Making education a lifestyle

Author Caroline Brown

Wednesday 12th December 2012

Today the older two stayed with gramps while I nipped out with Emily for a little bit of shopping then we picked up Laura and all went food shopping then they played on the PS3 while I had my hair… Continue Reading →

Tuesday 11th December 2012

Ok so today we made grandads mince pies 12 as part of his Christmas Pressie and decorated Laura and Owens cookies. We then packed our bags and headed to Granny’s for lunch where the children helped decorated my mums Christmas… Continue Reading →

Monday 10th December 2012

Wow I am so loving this whole project a day thing it’s hard work but great. Jessica and I started the day colouring the labels for the bubble baths while Thomas “laid down to rest his eyes to clear a… Continue Reading →

Saturday 8th December 2012

Gingerbread house: Today Jessica did the roof for the ginger bread house now it is just awaiting decorating and construction :0) We then did finished the bubble baths and bath sets which now look great :0) We also finished all… Continue Reading →

Thursday 6th December 2012

Today we got up and went straight to my lovely mother in laws house for the day so we drove up to fleet and had some breakfast after breakfast we got all our lovely sparkly bits, florist Oasis and other… Continue Reading →

Friday 7th December 2012

What a day it is 11 Pm and only just found bed we have had a day of cooking and general mess making (my poor little house I will survive I will I will lol) So they designed measured and… Continue Reading →

Tuesday 4th December 2012

Well today my little ones made lots of lovely mince pies and made stringed popcorn garlands while mummy finished the decorations down stairs.

Wednesday 5th December 2012

Today we went Christmas shopping brought the few bits needed to finish some of the Christmas presents off. We also say down and finished the bubble baths off just need to finish the bubbly buggy Mud baths.

Tuesday 4th December 2012

Well today my little ones made lots of lovely mince pies and made stringed popcorn garlands while mummy finished the decorations down stairs.

Monday 3rd December 2012

Well a major catch up post we have been so busy it has been unbelievable. Ok so heres what we have done in no particular order: Dog sat and started our sewing projects while at Granny’s minded uncle Lennie’s dog… Continue Reading →

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