Making education a lifestyle

Author Caroline Brown

Sunday 28th October 2012

Ok so party two and its the family party :0) So we got up and had a little bit of a lazy morning slowly getting washed and dressed and piled in the car and heading to Granny’s house to see… Continue Reading →

Saturday 27th October 2012

We had a lovely day in town then on route home we went to the pet shop for a new external filter and fancy bubbling lights. When we got home the children played in the leaves while daddy cleaned out… Continue Reading →

Friday 26th October 2012

Wow what a couple of days I spent all of Thursday and most of today cutting pinning and tacking chair covers but now they are done they look fantastic, while my cousin Laura looked after the kids. After I finally… Continue Reading →

Wednesday 24th October 2012

Today was the an other busy day while the children watched DVDs in their rooms I had 2 days of tiding up to do as well as lunches for Duncan, pack the food for the next few days, sort Duncan’s… Continue Reading →

Tuesday 23rd October 2012: Halloween cakes

Ok so it’s Tuesday 23rd October and tomorrow is the groups Christmas party so we made cakes and biscuits today to take with them First the children got out the ingredients needed then measured them and mixed them Then they… Continue Reading →

Monday 22nd October 2012 Project Boo: Halloween costume

Ok we’ll with three Halloween parties coming up and a dark fairy without a costume for them we decided to make a start today MONDAY 22nd October. So first things first we decided what she wanted and came up with… Continue Reading →

Project one complete: mobile charging station

Wow she did such a fab job on this such a proud mummy This is for nana and granddad bag. We haven’t had chance to work on anything else yet as my dad needed me but plan to catch up… Continue Reading →

10 weeks to Christmas!!

Ok so this year we are doing a homemade Christmas! So that means organisation so we have spilt this into the ten weeks from now till Christmas excluding weekends! So what does this mean? I hear you say (well actually… Continue Reading →

Friday 12th October 2012

Well today we slowly got up showered bathed and dressed before heading over to my mothers for lunch and a natter. Then it was off to my dads house to sort out car docs (which I completely forgot!) so still… Continue Reading →

Thursday 11 th October 2012

Wow what a day only got 2 hours sleep after vomiting making a come back during the night then fell asleep finally at 2 am cat wakes me at 3:50am because she couldn’t get to her food!! She does this… Continue Reading →

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