Making education a lifestyle

Author Caroline Brown

Wednesday 10th October 2012

Well booked to have my nails done to cheer me up (being some tomorrow) went to Sixpenny Handley and managed to appear as normal as possible (nothing worse than the endless illness card lol) Kids made Halloween plaques Thomas did… Continue Reading →

Tuesday 9th October 2012

Again nothing done other than our bare basics (reading, writing letters, and educational programmes super why and ancient X files today) We even missed messy time and our much loved library trips :0( would be nice to pretend to feel… Continue Reading →

Monday 8th October 2012

Well we didn’t get up to much today other than bloods at the doctors should get results towards the end of the week to find out what sort of food poisoning I have so resting ready for Wednesday :0( Oh… Continue Reading →

Saturday 6th October 2012

Today Thomas had his Trampolining

Monday 8th October 2012

Today we decided to cook the children have been doing fractions and so we decided to make stollen and cut it up into fractions (and eat the fractions naturally) Now while the stollen mix proved we decided to make some… Continue Reading →

Friday 5th October 2012

To be honest I can’t actually remember what we did Friday and as I haven’t taken any pictures I have nothing to remind me either :0(

Thursday 4 th October 2012

Today was a pretty boring day really we didn’t get much done as we were all wiped out from the party at Sixpenny Handley the day before so we just had a lazy day, got up and did school work… Continue Reading →

Wednesday 3rd October 2012

Today when we got to the shop to do our normal weekly shop, the dogs trust had a van there in the car park which of course kept the children amused for a while making us late lol. Anyway after… Continue Reading →

Tuesday 2nd October 2012

Today was a slight change to normal Tuesday routine we went to messy play and then home again but rather than having lunch and going straight back out again we stayed home a while before then going out to the… Continue Reading →

Monday 1st October 2012

Today was the normal Monday we got up and did school work Then got in the car for the last Alderbury social group. We then came home and took Jess to gymnastics Then home for dinner and bed :0)

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