Making education a lifestyle

Author Caroline Brown

Catch up post

Well so much has happened it’s hard to know where to start but here goes we are now in a small but lovely new house which we are slowly Finding our feet in. The Children and I start the new… Continue Reading →

Fantastic family christmas

We had an amazing if somewhat chaotic Christmas, we spent it with all our family and got to see all our nieces on Christmas Day. We went to my mums for Christmas this year and spent it with Duncan’s parents,… Continue Reading →

An other new house!

Well what a manic time we have left the death trap house and we are now in our own home but it was one hell of a rough time house is lovely though and with a week without the children… Continue Reading →

Well 500 meters down just 21 2/3 miles left to go

Really proud of them in our all welcome swim Emily did 100 meters with me Jessica did 8 (200 meters) lengths and Thomas 6 (150 meters) lengths making our family total 550 meters today (day 1) of the swim the… Continue Reading →

Our Trip to parliament with a twist.

Well yesterday was an odd one we left fleet in hoping to go to the houses of parliament a trip booked months ago via one of the Internet groups I am part of unfortunately my mother in law had a… Continue Reading →

Free online courses

Ok so more and more there are courses you can actually achieve qualifications from all online with homework and for set periods of time once a week you log on and enter virtual course and the more I come across… Continue Reading →

Fire and rescue visitor at group

Kids had a great time today we met some lovely new home edders (which is always nice) and had a lady in from the fire and rescue service in for a safety talk. She was very good and kept the… Continue Reading →

Funny Bones

Well the kids have loved the activities so far the skeletons have gone down a treat unfortunately I don’t have photos of all of their bits yet but will add more as they do it or I take them. Dog… Continue Reading →

FunnyBones Book Activities

This coming week we are going to try a new root with our home education we have had a long break due to a holiday and the planning of the holiday so we get back to things and we are… Continue Reading →

What a great Holiday

it’s always nice to go on holiday but when the holiday is heading back to somewhere that was once home and had been home for a long time it’s always that much more emotional and wonderful visiting everyday places you… Continue Reading →

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