Today while Emily was doing her IXL work we learned about the existence of Citizen Scientists. What is a citizen scientist I hear you say? What is a Citizen Scientist? Well a citizen scientist is a scientific Volunteer. This could… Continue Reading →
So it’s week 2 of lockdown and you start to get bored, what do you do? Obviously pick up the paintbrushes and start tackling the hall! It all started with a cheap nasty Gloss paint and the desire to finally… Continue Reading →
So, what is the Buzzing Circuits Tinker crate? Emily really enjoyed this crate. It made a steady hand game that was as fun to make as it was to play after. For those who don’t know us. Emily is 10… Continue Reading →
It’s May 2020, we’re in week 6 of the Lockdown, I decided I know I will redecorate the porch! Afterall, what else is there to do in the year that the world stayed home. ADHD takes over last week I… Continue Reading →
This week’s Lockdown week 6, life was rather quiet. We are starting to get a little bored. However, we still found ways to keep life interesting….. Lockdown life week 6 While we started to turn our minds to redecorating the… Continue Reading →
We are making homemade buttermilk scones today. Emily was looking forward to devouring these more than making them. We did 3 batches of scones which ended up making more than 30 scones! We did three batches to use all 1… Continue Reading →
How I turned mums bargain 19p 1 litre whipping cream into 5 sticks of butter instead of Eton mess! Although I was too busy texting my bestie while mum and nana went through the bargain section at Morrison’s. One of… Continue Reading →
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