Making education a lifestyle

Author Caroline Brown

Saturday 30th September 2012

Well we picked up our “new” car and here she is

Friday 29th September 2012

Well to be honest today starts off where yesterday left lol first we got the kids some egg on toast for breakfast before watching a little TV then After we had cleared up we then decided to dye Jessica’s hair… Continue Reading →

Thursday 27th September 2012

Well we finally woke up about 9:30 am and the kids shortly after not really feeling any better we got up and dressed phoned daddy to arrange picking him up from work for Thomas’ hospital appointment and he had to… Continue Reading →

Wednesday 25th September 2012

Today we got up and dressed eventually unfortunately Duncan and I had had fish and chips from the new chip shop Tuesday night and spent the whole night being sick so he crawled to work still not feeling great and… Continue Reading →

Monday 24th September 2012

Well today we did our normal Monday routine of generally a mixture of school work dancing around like morons and then while Thomas listened to great expectations in the front room with his Lego and Emily slept Jessica made some… Continue Reading →

Tuesday 25th September 2012

Wow what a day woke up and both Emily and Thomas had taken sissors to their hair! So we got up got dressed went to messy time then on to to Tesco then home had lunch then back out to… Continue Reading →

Thursday 20th September 2012

Well today has all been about housework got up put the washing away that was washed and dry washed more hung it out then piled in the car for my asthma clinic headed from there to the pharmacy to stop… Continue Reading →

Wednesday 19th September 2012

Today we were lucky enough (if somewhat a little reluctant to due to the hour In which the cavalry arrived in the morning!) to get a jump start to enable us to make it to Noons to pick up a… Continue Reading →

Tuesday 18th September 2012

Well woke up phoned doctors got appointment for 2 pm so we did toms school work wrapped up as it was bitterly cold out wrapped dog up and walked down the road picking up a new PS 3 game on… Continue Reading →

Monday 17th September 2012

Well today it was just me and Tom we did some school work sorted through some of the stuff we brought back from Janet’s and went to go to the doctors to find car wouldn’t start we get her out… Continue Reading →

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