Making education a lifestyle

Category Explorers

Here you will find the posts that contain information about our children’s Explorer stage of their Scouting life.

This stage of scouting the children are encouraged to take on responsibilities and allowed to grow into young adults. It is the stage they are encouraged to plan their own adventures.

In 2020 Thomas gave up Explorers as the group got too big for him to cope with alongside college and the COVID-19 changes that happened that year.

Explorers are there to inspire those between 14 year and 18 years.

Just another Manic Friday?

Today was just another manic Friday, We really were wishing it was Sunday ๐Ÿ˜‚. Emily had Farm School, Jessica had Work and I had to sort all the camping stuff, catch up with washing and the normal “housework” all before… Continue Reading →

Our 30 Days Wild Challenge WK4

Our 30 days wild challenge has started! June is one of our Favourite times of the year, itโ€™s the time the wild awakens and the natural world starts to shine. Birdsongs, Bright green grass, bugs galore there is so much… Continue Reading →

Returning to life but not as we know it

So we are Returning to life, getting well back into life outside the house. Who would have thought I wouldn’t miss the outside world? Returning to life after lockdown. Return to face to face music lessons. Welcoming Back Lysa, Emily’s… Continue Reading →

London Monopoly Run with the Explorers

Saturday 7th April 2018. The London Monopoly run is an annual event that happens around London. Every participating group has a list of things to find throughout London and they have to do so as quickly as possible. You can… Continue Reading →

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