Our 30 days wild challenge has started! June is one of our Favourite times of the year, it’s the time the wild awakens and the natural world starts to shine. Birdsongs, Bright green grass, bugs galore there is so much to see and hear it’s beautiful.
We love the outdoors and we do try to get out there as much as possible, we probably do this more in the winter than we do in the summer months as the sun brings out the people. But Spring and Autumn have to be the best times of the year.
In this series of 4 posts, we will give you a heads up to how we tackled our #30dayswild and some of the fun we got up to.
Our 30 Days Wild Day 22 Rain rain and more rain
So all our plans hit a brick wall as the rain will not stop and go away. Instead we had to try and think of new plans for this week as the weather is not likely to change before the end of the month Especially as I have decided to come off my ADHD meds.
Therefore, they did some holiday planning. We decided upon a date to do a makeup week and I booked the time off work for the dates they wanted and looked for a spot that is both near Dartmoor and the beach. Not exactly wild based but was as good as it got. With the exception of Jessica’s Young leader’s role of backwards cooking!
23rd Day: FAIL DAY!
Today we completely failed to do anything wild! sometimes with all the will in the world things don’t go to plan so bar a little Grass cutting in the little bit of rain free sky we got we didn’t find the time for an activity Normally I have things planned for both rain and shine but alas this year with the trialling ADHD meds going so poorly I am a very disorganised and very lethargic version of myself. No excuse other than bone idleness an other day slipped by without any real outdoors activity. (heads up it didn’t improve much for the week in general either!)
24th Day: SCOUTS!!!
Unfortunately No pictures as they contain other scouts but today Emily also went on a very long hike with Scouts while Duncan was teaching those left behind how to use knives safely (due to social distancing regulations they are too big a group to all go together safely). This was her wild fun today and she took some pictures on her phone and loved it (even spotted some bugs!) so an other short one I’m afraid.
25th Day: Short walk to the local field
Today Once home from work Duncan took Emily and poppy out for a walk to the field. I worked very late this day so that was all we got done but emily told me all about it and loves short walks.
26th Day: Music lessons
Saturday again and as with most Saturdays are mornings tend to be swallowed up by the children’s Music lessons. After this we did get to spend a little time in the garden. However, this was squeezed in between downpours!
We Managed to do a little weeding and obviously trampoline bouncing.
27th Day: Birthday!!
Well, this is always a family Birthday and we were due to have a friend around for a BBQ. However, again the British weather had other ideas. BBQ postponed I gave in and allowed Emily to again do some “farming” .
She’s actually enjoying it so much I went looking for a farming option for her to try. Having found a lovely Farming school near us. I have actually booked her into a farm school for Friday 9th July. This is at the end of our makeup week.
28th Day: Work Day
Unfortunately by time I finished work today it was too late to do anything before I was due to head back in to cover an other role. This meant the only Wild learning was again scouts this time being a Monday was Jessica in Explorers and they were doing something with fire as she came back again smelling of smoke but at least it helps keep them warm.
Loved the 30 days wild? Want to help youngester enjoy the outside all year around?
Would you like to help make a difference to children and you love the outdoors as much as we do?
We are all big Scouting Fans!
Thomas went right through from beavers till explorers and no longer is involved.
Jessica has been a member from start of scouts and is now training to be a young leader.
Emily has been there through Beavers, Cubs and is now a scout. When the time comes she may do the young leader role too.
Duncan is a Scout leader and I have always Volunteered whenever needed to.
If you would like to know how to get involved with the scouting movement it is a very worthwhile thing to volunteer for and they provide all training.
You can find out more here.
If so this is such a worthwhile thing to do.
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