Today we had a little bit of a slower day we did school work from 6-7am when it started to get too hot to carry on (think the fan needs to come down from the attic) when the kids then… Continue Reading →
Today we took the children out to the cinema to go and see Despicable Me 2 (Absolutely brilliant film we worth Buying we can wait or it to come out on DVD now lol). We took them to the… Continue Reading →
Ok so yesterday was soo busy I am only just now finding the time to write it :0/ but here it is We had made arrangements and invited home educators who live closer to us to come to our… Continue Reading →
Wow where to start :0/ actually I will start by answering Diane’s question about what time do I wake up and what is an average day like for us when do I fit in housework etc so here goes here… Continue Reading →
Today we had a busy day we got up did school work had quick tidy up before emily’s nurse came (a catch up explaining all including emily’s health will be coming as soon as we know what is happening other… Continue Reading →
Wow what a busy day we had today and we loved it i will fill it in more later (well tomorrow evening but in the meantime heres the pictures!)
hello ok so we are back on track and settled in I have run up my weekly time tables and done this months goals and completely back on track even if somewhat disorganised on where things are finding books etc… Continue Reading →
Blimey what a year this has been we have moved and just don’t seem to be getting into a groove with home schooling we cant afford to drive miles to groups so today we are off to investigate clubs and… Continue Reading →
Ok so i know i have been quiet lately well this is why we have moved!!! It has been a long haul full of one problem after an other but we are slowly getting settled still a long way until… Continue Reading →
Ok so to be perfectly honest i can’t remember where you were left things have been soo manic school is out at the moment but here is a brief catch up. Ok so we are moving to warminster next friday… Continue Reading →
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