Blimey what a year this has been we have moved and just don’t seem to be getting into a groove with home schooling we cant afford to drive miles to groups so today we are off to investigate clubs and find the local sports centre we have been to look at one local school and Emily is in a local nursery but this afternoon/evening we are off to look at more this morning i have housework to do but we will get there one way or other I am hoping to flexi school both thomas and Jessica (they will be at school 4 days a week at home 3) but they are both bored and fed up at home with school work and getting into trouble constantly and i honestly cant find the stamina to keep up with them and housework and box sorting :0(

Unfortunately every time we find our feet and return to school work we end up taken of course again. In the three years (nearly 4) we have been home educating this has been the first time i have slummed and honestly felt alone in it group is too far away and to be honest after sticking with a period of the same old thing now has more teens ad becoming more teen orientated which is fantastic for my friends that was the whole idea of the group but i feel maybe it is no longer as beneficial for Thomas and Jessica.

I now just have to muddle through until end of september try and sort these blasted forms out and keep my fingers crossed they get into the local school and then find a groove and see how things go but at the moment i just feel tired completely worn out constantly (I am not waking until 9am by then most of the day has gone!) I really need to find my groove I am all over the place so once I find the sports centre I plane to book the children in for a few days in summer holiday to give me some time to try and find myself in this sea of boxes and disorder :0)