A walk on the home ed side

Making education a lifestyle

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Paintbrushes to the ready tackling the Hall

So it’s week 2 of lockdown and you start to get bored, what do you do? Obviously pick up the paintbrushes and start tackling the hall! It all started with a cheap nasty Gloss paint and the desire to finally… Continue Reading →

So, What’s the buzzing circuits Tinker Crate really?

So, what is the Buzzing Circuits Tinker crate? Emily really enjoyed this crate. It made a steady hand game that was as fun to make as it was to play after. For those who don’t know us. Emily is 10… Continue Reading →

2020 The forgotten year: The Porch

It’s May 2020, we’re in week 6 of the Lockdown, I decided I know I will redecorate the porch! Afterall, what else is there to do in the year that the world stayed home. ADHD takes over last week I… Continue Reading →

Lockdown life in week 6

This week’s Lockdown week 6, life was rather quiet. We are starting to get a little bored. However, we still found ways to keep life interesting….. Lockdown life week 6 While we started to turn our minds to redecorating the… Continue Reading →

Amazing Scones from homemade buttermilk

We are making homemade buttermilk scones today. Emily was looking forward to devouring these more than making them. We did 3 batches of scones which ended up making more than 30 scones! We did three batches to use all 1… Continue Reading →

How to turn 19p of whipping cream into butter!

How I turned mums bargain 19p 1 litre whipping cream into 5 sticks of butter instead of Eton mess! Although I was too busy texting my bestie while mum and nana went through the bargain section at Morrison’s. One of… Continue Reading →

How to Design you own Christmas T-shirts

We were joined by Clare, Connor, Jamie and Stu today to make our own Christmas t-shirts. The children all did amazing and we Ended the day with some amazing designs. How to Make your own Christmas T-shirts Required Items Method… Continue Reading →

Hide and seek game for sensory Bolters

To help our Emily with sensory overload bolting we have come up with the Hide and come seek me game. She often runs off if overwhelmed. Keeping a sensory avoider safe when their first response to an adverse Sensory overload… Continue Reading →

Mel Science – Fake Snow fun

Welcome! This post is about the Mel Science Chemistry of Winter experiments! Our girls are home educated and absolutely love their Mel science boxes. Today they got out and explored the Chemistry of Winter box. This contained 2 experiments within… Continue Reading →

Sue Green’s Unwrapping Of A Mummy Adventure time.

Today we were so very lucky to go to an amazing unwrapping of a mummy event at the museum at Weston-super-mere and meet with Sue Green. This trip was well worth it and Sue Green was amazing to talk to,… Continue Reading →

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