Making education a lifestyle

Author Caroline Brown

well hello all

ok so I know it has been a long while but honestly so much has happened in 2013 I really don’t know where it has gone between getting locked out of our new house! and replacing laptops, months in hospital… Continue Reading →

Cooking up a storm

Wow an other tiring day in the brown household but lots of yummy treats cooked for the kids. The game of trying to make a home is still going on into month 11 (well 2 if you exclude the months… Continue Reading →

Useful links on phonics

(Edit 2021: This was created when Emily started Home ed with us 6/7 years ago.)  Emily is now starting to be catered for into our Home education Journey. Therefore we are now back to phonics.  It is also the start… Continue Reading →

New year an other new start

Well Jessica’s school experience was short lived she is out again and back where she belongs and all my hard work to build her confidence up has been squashed (again!) so she has come out shy and reserved again which… Continue Reading →

Gone but not forgotten x x

Well on the Wednesday 2nd Oct 2013 at 12:30pm we lost a family member and then on Sunday 6th Oct 2013 we lost our beloved rabbit Rody to old age now since the lost of the first family member my… Continue Reading →

Jessica’s First day at school

Ok as you may or may not have guessed by the lack of posts recently we have been really busy not only with our normal day to day lives but i have also been trying to sort jessica a school… Continue Reading →

Emily’s Operation

Wow we finally got her operation date through and she had her tonsillectomy about 3 weeks ago and what a difference the surgeon said they were so large they left her the space the size of a pea to breath… Continue Reading →

Our family holiday

Well last week we went on holiday and blimey was it tiring lol. We stayed in Seaview Haven in weymouth in a deluxe plus caravan it was ok but wasn’t very clean when we moved in i had to clean… Continue Reading →

Useful links – learning to read/spelling

Learning to read and learning to spell are very much connected the better a child can spell the better a child can read and because of this you will see I use loads of different ones because although you will… Continue Reading →

A-Z Handwriting practise (Stage one)

English Avenue – Although this site does Charge nearly 40$ a year they do have some really good free samples so worth looking at and even better because you can just save the PDF worksheets you like onto your computer and… Continue Reading →

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