Making education a lifestyle

Tag Home Education Salisbury Wiltshire

Wednesday 11th May 2011

Today the children went to Paulton’s Park with our Alderbury Group. They had a great day there and went on as many rides as they could in the time we had their and we went around making notes of all… Continue Reading →

Tuesday 10th May 2011

Started today as normal music to dance to after breakfast followed by a quick tidy up then we went off to HEaT where the children learnt about different materials and if they sink or float. They were given a sheet… Continue Reading →

Monday 9th May 2011

Today was very different to our normal day because the children were slightly hyper all day as they didn’t get their energy release time today because we had to leave so early this morning today we got up and had… Continue Reading →

Friday 6th May 2011

Today started like any other the children have some time to dance of some of their energy after breakfast and then as we didn’t have much time before their cooking session in Salisbury they didn’t have their brain warming sessions… Continue Reading →

Thursday 5th May 2011

Stonehenge Home Educators- Japanese Children’s day For activities check out We did little joining paper children, We gave each child a paper person shaped cut out and lots of things for them to use to decorate their dolls then when they were… Continue Reading →

Wednesday 4th May 2011

Today we started of the day as always with music and dance and then we did a bit on the computer and did some of the BBC Maths and English games online. We then went on to do some handwriting… Continue Reading →

Tuesday 3rd May 2011 – All about butterflies with HEaT

Today Tuesday 3rd May 2011 the children have their HEaT meet up. So after our normal morning routine it was time to pack up some lunch. Today the children had their weekly group in Tidworth so we packed to go… Continue Reading →

Monday 2nd May 2011 – Social fun at Alderbury HE Group

Today is Monday 2nd May 2011. We started the day in weekend mode as Duncan was still off work. When Duncan’s off we like to take it easy. As he works 12 hour plus days rushing around. When he’s home… Continue Reading →

Celebrations of the Royal wedding Home ed style

Today was Friday 29th April 2011 and the day of Celebrations of the Royal wedding! Kate Middleton and married Prince William. Celebrations of the Royal Wedding! So we put structured learning to one side for the and and instead made… Continue Reading →

Fitting in Home ed, big gathering preps and meetings

Today Thursday 28th April 2011 was a busy day Fitting in Home ed while getting ready for the Royal Wedding Group tomorrow. Without an 1 and half round trip to a meeting for an upcoming trip. Re structuring & Fitting… Continue Reading →

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