Making education a lifestyle

Category Our Projects

Hey, what’re two more turtles right?

So we may have gained an extra two Turtles. We are still undecided on their names at the moment but we are either going down the route of reef and sea in Japanese or more Warlords. My suggestion was they… Continue Reading →

Catch up time is a coming!

Catch up time!, Its been so busy here in the new Brown home. Between work, unpacking, housework, birthdays, home ed and generally life in general. I am falling behind on my posting. So here’s what they have been up too,… Continue Reading →

Saturday 17th November 2012

Today we decided to have a go at making bubble bath!The Children had come up with a set of homemade Christmas gifts for family one was homemade bubble bath. However, to be honest we didn’t have a clue as to… Continue Reading →

Roman Adventures at the Ancient Technology Center

Today Tuesday 13th September 2011 Roman adventures awaited the children at the Ancient Technology Center. They absolutely loved it and the weather was ok for it as well. Roman Adventures awaited them The Day started there at about 10am. I… Continue Reading →

Roman Adventures and more in London.

Saturday 30th July 2011 Today we had booked for a Roman Adventure in London! Therefore we decided to make the day of it. Firstly we caught the 9.10am Train from Fleet to London Waterloo. from there we started walking towards… Continue Reading →

Health and wellbeing project

Health and wellbeing Project Starts today. One of the best things about home ed is being able to make learning truly relative. The project I have planned for the children will be just that. Monday 25th July 2011 Health and… Continue Reading →

A tale of our trip back in time

Tuesday 24th May 2011 Today we were headed for a trip back in time making the most of a chance to go to the Salisbury Museum. I never told the children what I had planned they were expecting a dull… Continue Reading →

Mini Project time – An introduction to caring for pets

Today is Monday 23rd May 2011 and the children started as normal with breakfast teeth and a dance. after which we finished of the rotas and check sheets for their animal mini project. This week they have extra responsibilities in… Continue Reading →

Leonardo Di Vinci the great master of Art and Science.

I have been looking into Leonardo da Vinci to introduce Science to the children. Da Vinci was practising what we call science today. This was in a time when people still heavily believed the writings of god. They had only really just… Continue Reading →

Romans V Saxon fun at the Salisbury Museum!

It was finally the day for our Romans V Saxon SHE Educational trip to the Salisbury and south Wiltshire museum! Today Tuesday 26th April 2011 the children had the Salisbury and South Wiltshire Museum Roman Archaeology dig. Roman V Saxon Exhibition This… Continue Reading →

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