A walk on the home ed side

Making education a lifestyle

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Friday 1st July 2011

Oh my it is now monday and this has been my first chance to catch up with the blog (sorry). This day went completely to pot we woke up late had breakfast on the run to cooking at waitrose then… Continue Reading →

Books I use a lot when planing Lessons and Activities

Below is the list of the books I find useful when planning things for my children and I apologise in advance but alot of them are very old I tend to prefer the older teaching styles and find them easier… Continue Reading →

Tuesday 28th June 2011

Today was the children’s  Messy day so we got up had breakfast and put some music on and they had their dance around. Then we set up painting in the garden Emily did finger painting and sponge painting while she… Continue Reading →

Monday 27th June 2011

LIVVY LOU PRINCESS 14 TODAY!!!!! Other than that we woke up had breakfast bathed the baby and cleaned our teeth came down stairs and the children had a dance and bop about while I hung the washing out and set… Continue Reading →

Sunday 26th June 2011

Today we went and did the Netley Marsh Carboot Sale and the children had a mat full of clothes to price up and sell while daddy and I sold the more delicate bit’s the children made £18 in total. On… Continue Reading →

Saturday 25th June 2011

Oh what a busy day we had today, The children completed their work on why did the Romans want to Invade Britain, How Normal Romans dressed, How native Brits Dressed, Introduction of Boudicca the Iceni Queen and their revolt, together… Continue Reading →

Friday 24 th June 2011

Mummy woke up late this morning and daddy had then watching tv and by time we all got up and sorted it was time to leave for swimming. We popped in on granny on route home anf had dinner then… Continue Reading →

Educational Group Adventures to Legoland

Thursday 23rd June 2011 We went on a group adventure to Legoland today. It wasn’t with a local group it was home educators from all over the south of England all of whom were meeting up for this educational trip…. Continue Reading →

Wednesday 22nd June 2011

Today we were up and out by just after 7 am, I had to have my bloods taken at the hospital by 9 so were there for when it opened at 8. Then we went to macdonalds for breakfast and… Continue Reading →

Tuesday 22nd June 2011

We started the day in the normal way got up had breakfast got dressed etc. The children completed their poems and we say down and spoke about timelines and did some work on timelines to help then understand how many… Continue Reading →

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