Making education a lifestyle

Category Journal

Follow our journey home educating our children.

19th June – 30th June 2019

Well much of the same old from last session with Lysa on 25th until September. To cooking and making Eton Mess and a strawberry tart on the 27th. Gingerbread making with daddy on 23rd. Reading Lots of homemade from scratch… Continue Reading →

27th May – 18th June 2019

Well we are now officially both working full time and home educating. It’s been a hard transition but we are slowly all getting used to our new life. We have decided that between now and September we aren’t going for… Continue Reading →

Fortnight 13th – 26th May

So we have a plan for moving forward and are slowly making progress towards what him ed looks like for us now. Thomas is no longer home ed he goes to college and works and has his clubs (explorers and… Continue Reading →

Week 6th – 12th May 2019

Monday – with daddy did a bit of work and played. Tuesday – with our upcoming trip to France duncan set them all back up with dulingo and kids have been doing their daily activities and practice on that Emily… Continue Reading →

Week 29th April- 5th May 2019

Monday – Work as normal Emily went to the office with Duncan where she learned to Floss. Tuesday: dishwasher repair man AGAIN still not working! Emily had Lysa come she did some English then for Maths went shopping for pre… Continue Reading →

Week 22nd – 28th April 2019

Monday: work for me and duncan and the kids finished the garden Tuesday: well this was a very strange day for us. Emily worked with Lysa to make her tinker crate. We didn’t really do much and just chilled. Wednesday:… Continue Reading →

Week 15th – 21st April 2019

Monday: work as normal kids were with Nana not entirely sure what they did as to be truthful have been so busy of late filling this out two weeks later ????. Tuesday: we popped into Longleat with nana and did… Continue Reading →

Weekend break in Bournemouth April 2019

This weekend we went away for the night to enjoy some time as a family we managed to squeeze in quite a lot to be faith considering we didn’t leave home until gone 9 am due to a mess up… Continue Reading →

Week 8th – 12th April 2019

well I have purposely separated the weekend so this is just for the Monday to Friday because A we didn’t do much I spent most of the week backwards and forwards to nurse and dentist and its half term so… Continue Reading →

Week 25th – 31st March

Monday: Well as ever i was at work and Duncan also got called into work today (despite it being his day off) so he went with Emily leaving Jess home alone checking on them at lunch and I picked Emily… Continue Reading →

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