Thursday 12th October 2017
Today Thursday 12th October 2017 was a full on day, Girls Tutor Paul came, surprise for jess and the Rabbits.
It was Paul’s First visit in the new house so naturally the children wanted to show off their new house. Not to mention their need to bend his ear about what he had missed. After all he has missed two full weeks of their lives since his last visit. Therefore I had planned less work for them today to allow for this.
They each got there chance and even tom showed him his room and talked to him about his new game. Surprisingly he talked so much I had to intervene.
Once girls calmed down a bit and Paul had a coffee in his hand.
Thomas and I headed off back to our old house to get the rabbits outside cage and run.
Happy Hoppers!

Before we knew it, it was time for Paul to head off. So we said our good byes and packed up from structured work time.
A surprise for Jess
Jessica got some very happy news, one of her best friends was about to become home educated. Katie and her mum popped for the afternoon. The girls instantly went off to play. Emily and I talked about the deregistration letter and life in general.
The girls played with the instruments a little making a song with the guitar. Tom even tried to help with a drum backing. However the girls were not too impressed with the aide.
My Emily has been practicing her bike riding a lot lately. Therefore she spent most of the afternoon cycling around the cul de sac. All in all in a blink of an eye it was dinner time.
So we said goodbye to Katie’s mum Emily and got ready for dinner and scouts.
Once Jess was off to scouts, we took Katie home. Emily then sat down to read some more to Duncan and I. Her and a very tired tom both departed for bed. Jessica followed them shortly after being collected from Scouts.
The house is slowly coming along. Hopefully this weekend it will be completely unpacked. Then it’s all about finding our new routine from next week.
Even our routine is slowly coming about. We have found a couple of groups for the children. But it will be nice to be fully back into the home education swing again.
you can read more of our Journaling posts here. or more Tutor Visits here.
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