Our Garden’s Journey from Bland to practically Beautiful started in 2020 and will probably run into 2024 but this year we started with a garden that truly represented us as a family. It had been forgotten last year entirely with only the bare essentials of grass and hedge cutting, It was in desperate need for a little love and attention.
Tired, rough and a bit of a mess. Last year 2022 saw some massive changes for us as a family 2023 has seen more since. As we come to grips with new family dynamics of extra Adults, and changes within the health of our family unit the gardening has come to be a way of helping raising mental health within our family members.
The Garden helped to heal us as much as we healed it. Emily and I had decided to use the progression through the BHS School Gardening Awards to rejuvenate and learn how to care for our garden as well as using it to complete the goals for the front garden.
in 2020 we decided to add an addition garden path in our front garden and to put in a proper path in the back garden too. We found some cheap blocks we liked the look of, between us all we decided on shapes of the paths, built a pallet sofa and laid a temporary patio area, completed the back garden path (actually it is still missing a big bags worth of Cotswold stones to be how we desire but it has 1 ton added)

we wont necessarily finish the paths this year, the pallet sofa needs dismantling and replacing we plan to do that next half term but we are proud of the progress we have made so far.
The flours and fruits produced this year have been amazing and we now have a better idea of what we want to plant next year too.

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