This day was unlike any other so far because it was Duncan vs the kids instead of me! lol Today is Monday 19th March 2018 and we found ourselves with snow everywhere again.
We started this Month with thick snow looks like we will be ending it the same way!
Ok anyway First off my work is absolutely beautiful (as in even more so than normal) in the snow! I loved it even more than normal and begrudged leaving its magical views!

Secondly, While I was having an amazing time chatting and cleaning away with two other wonderful ladies at work. Soaking in and really enjoying the snowy views, Duncan was at home looking after the kids.
Duncan Vs the Kids!
I had to take my hat off to Duncan today, As the main family earner he has always been in the background and not really involved in home life and the mundane of the children’s life. Instead we made the most of the time he had to give us doing the fun and exciting stuff.
So you can imagine my concerns that he maynot hold up well when it is him Vs the Kids and especially mixed with the excitement of snow!
However, as ever he did amazingly and completed their day including doing school work with them. Obviously Jessica made cakes and they did all eventually get dressed.
Before coming to pick me up and heading to Tina’s for our on mass hair hacking.
Tom went with a new style, while Emily and I got our fringes back. Duncan and jess just stuck with their normal dos.
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