Today we did the Girls Tin Mel science crate. This is two experiments one being the beautiful Tin Hedgehog. This absolutely beautiful experiment is matched with a Tin Dendrite Experiment.
My Girls aged 11 and 15 years old are both ASD, ADHD and Dyslexic. Their SEN with difficulties for activities like this are concentration, reading comprehension and some manual dexterity with the youngest.

Tin Hedgehog Experiment
I wont lie this is my personal favourite. The experiment is to grow a Tin hedgehog looking formation on the surface of a Zinc pellet. The tin dendrites that grow from the zinc pellet are absolutely beautiful, they are so fine and delicate you can’t move your creation. Emily found this out when she tried to take her to show her friend on facetime. (apparently Iphone’s aren’t mobile! lol)

This Experiment uses Sodium Hydrogen Sulphate (NaHSO4), Tin Chloride (SnCL2) and a Zinc Pellet. The spikes made are Tin spikes. So the Zinc helps to reduce the tin in the tin solution into a crystallised metallic tin into the metallic needles shown in the pictures of the kids experiments.
Tin Dendrite Experiment

This Experiment uses Sodium Hydrogen Sulphate (NaHSO4), Tin Chloride (SnCL2), Hand soap and electricity. The battery in this experiment is basically an electron pump. The attract the electrons to the positive and negative charges. The end result is absolutely stunning and the experiment is fascinating.
For more information on the specifics of both these experiments can be found on the MEL Science app. If you would like to read more about our Mel science fun you can find them here. For more postal activity crates find them here.
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