This weekend we went to see Miele performing live on stage at the national Theatre on the Olivier stage in the last Odyssey play in London!
Well, I have been having a hard time over the past few years my yet undiagnosed mobility issues have massively worsened along with other conditions. This was going to make a day trip to London difficult. So we decided to rent a little flat to come back to so we can break up the long drive in both directions and reduce the need for public transport.
We went up Saturday early enough to fit in one pre chosen museum (by Emily who has a sudden interest in medieval torture among other things) The Clink. Emily has also been battling social anxiety so this little museum was close enough to transport both from our rented flat and onwards to the national theatre. while being small enough to avoid as many large crowd situations as possible.
The Clink
The Clink was small but Emily absolutely loved it, it was a dark environment which suited us well, the displays were a great mixture of interactive, physical mocked up scenes and engaging informational boards. While Jessica won’t admit it freely both girls thoroughly enjoyed it.

Miele on stage!
We timed everything perfectly to arrive to the theatre just in time to be able to go straight to our seats just before everyone else filed in.
I honestly cannot express how amazing the show was, Such a proud moment to find that Miele had such amazing parts in it and was almost on stage for the whole play.
As soon as they release the shows online I will make sure I add a post with links to it because while I maybe bias but if all the episodes are as fantastic as the two we watched they will be well worth watching!

Also as ever we can also be found on both Facebook and Instagram, these are updated more these days due to my physical decline effecting my ability to type. (although apparently 4am is a good time for my body lmao)
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