It is a long story that is probably boring to most of our readers. Most are here just looking for inspiration for their own Home Educating journeys. If this is you, this post is probably not for you.

Health Breakdown…

Well in July 2022 I gave up work after some unknown health reasons. Reasons I thought was a decline in my ADHD and ASD coping mechanisms. Caused me to struggle. Late in 2021 I asked to step up at work because I was basically covering the job without the extra money anyway and loved doing it. I was surrounded by an amazing team who knew me. Knew my Austistic authentic self without judgement. So I applied for the job I was covering. However I was offered a temporary job on a different team.
There I was bullied by an other member of the team I was placed. When approached my manager my autism and ADHD were blamed. I was told As an autistic I had to mask and change my self because the other member of staff was “russian”. So I was forced by the manager to feel I had to MASK more. which of course I did. Here is where everything went wrong.

I got stuck in my mask. I was masking so much I became unresponsive. My ability to summon energy that comes with my ADHD was exploited by this staff member and my body started failing me. I would be cycling along and suddenly I was on the floor. I would go to grab something with my right arm and it wouldn’t move. I was finding myself lost in a village I knew like the back of my hand.

I went to the doctor and we considered ASD Burnout so I was signed off. I requested to return to my work family. unfortunately, the damage was done and things just kept getting worse.

I battled from January to July trying to cope. by now the home ed was a no go to work I was washed out all week. I nearly set fire to the house while trying to cook a meal. I have been cooking this since taught it as a teenager.

So I handed in my notice and was signed off. My body functions continued to get worse and I tried to find a way to continue. that Christmas of 2022 was the worst ever I had hit rock bottom. The NHS Failed my mental health needs. I had been fighting for help at this point for over a year. I had actually been seeking help for my “loss of coping strategies” since 2015. So January 2023 we started paying privately for a personal psychotherapist. She helped me help myself. I stoped Home education at this point and handed it over fully to Emily’s private tutor and Farm School. we did the odd thing whenever possible but mostly I was in sensory hell. My sensory profile was the highest it ever has been. I then had an “episode” while driving. My right leg stopped moving and I had to pull over, shortly after that I started to feel faint so I managed to pull over drag Emily and a paralysed right side into a shop. get myself a drink only option they had I could tolerate was an energy drink. we got back to the car and I started to tell her what to do because despite drinking 1/4 can I was getting worse. I told her to phone clare ask her to come to shops we were at. Then phone your gran and do whatever she tells you ttoo before I passed out.

From there until September things didn’t really change. I was right side paralysed on and off. Spetember after brain scans, full body MRI and giving more blood in test after test than a vampire would have snacked on. I was diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder.

I have been rebuilding myself since. I have fought the DWP (Duncan calls them the department of withholding payment) all the way to tribunal and won. We have made adaptions. I am doing everything advised to aid my condition but still declining but a lot slower than I was. I am wobbly on my feet. but my brain is back and I am exercising that with a level 3 course on Understanding Autism course.

We stopped being Home Educators…

From September this year, Emily is officially Educated other than School. The Education Department took 18 months to realise they couldn’t accommodate Emily’s requirements in school.
So I hope to still do educational things with her as I always have with all three of my kids. Emily’s educational responsibility isn’t in my hands anymore.

After 16 years it feels odd to have lost that way of life but it is the right move. So I will be slowly going through this blog. I will be removing photos and posts.

Our journey has been one of SEN children so I will be working through this site to offer advice from our experiences.

I will also continue to add in our general adventures on our social media sites.