Organising my rabble takes some pre planning! here is how we do it. Juggling home ed, a toddler, ADHD child, little Miss independent and home chores while being Autistic myself takes some planning.
So here I have added in how we are doing it now. I will not lie and say we stick to this religiously never missing a heart beat as that would be lying. Life happens and plans have to change (no matter how much I or anyone else hates it when it does!). I wont say it will never change either. After all that is one of the beautiful things about home ed is the flexibility to change as your life does.
But right now this is how we do it.
Organising my rabble!
So we work off a very basic Time table at the moment. You can find this below. Mornings are our Structured learning time. This is when the Children are most open to learning so start there.
Our Weekly TimeTable
Below is our Time table for the week 16th May – 22nd May. The details change week by week but generally it stays the same. The only real difference is them staying at Nana’s for the Weekend. This is a very rare thing but We are off to a very fancy hotel compliments of Duncan’s Work for a weekend of working and conferences for him and work sheet creating for me lol.
AM | PM | |
Monday | Reading & Roman’s Clothes Activities | Alderbury Social Group |
Tuesday | Reading & Animal Responsibility | HEaTidworth- RecyclingWhat goes where? |
Wednesday | Reading & Centurion’s Activities | HE Art- Van Goghs Chairs |
Thursday | Reading & Roman Pots Activities | Stonehenge HomeEducators- Roman PotMaking |
Friday | At Nana’s Mummy and Daddy away | Rotten Roman’s |
Saturday | At Nana’s Mummy and Daddy away | Smashing Saxon’s |
Sunday | Nana’s | Home -Through theWormhole (Thomas) |
Their Activities Included:
A Roman quiz
Dress a centurion
Animals crosswords
Pet colouring pages.
Set of RSPCA‘s Lesson plans
BBC primary history worksheet: The Romans- amphorae
Different pots (this is a blank booklet with enough pages to cover some of the different pot the Romans used. The children will draw pictures of the different pots and give a brief description of what it was used for)
Romans through their pots (Here)
Spellings Snakes and ladders
Muffin cooking directions.
Make a road (From last weeks safety day) (edit 2021 link was no longer working. Here they have an updated activities)
These are a few of the activities they will do this week. While they are at Nana’s they have a selection of sheets, games and online activities they can do. I have allowed a few different options so that she has plenty of options for them.

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