As ever Today was manic with trying to squeeze everything in before we are required to leave to help with the setting up of Sixpenny Handley but the children did really well they got their reading done so nicely and helped with making lunch and packing their own tea.


They decided they wanted to do some wood work today in the freedom corner Thomas decided he wanted to do an aeroplane and Jessica wanted to do a train for Emily so while Thomas took the brash way around it and just got in there Jessica sat down and drew a blueprint of what she wanted to do after examining the bag of wood and seeing what was in there and deciding how to go about it with the materials on offer.20120509-185823.jpg Jessica Calling in an expert to help her with her Train project and then just like any sensible artist the view of the recipient is always needed.


Jessica and Poppy telling me all the ways they could turn a square cube into a train wheel unfortunately none of their ideas were available to them this week so Jess packed up the pieces and decided to see if we can find some round pieces if not she will just have square wheels on her train. right hand picture Thomas’ first idea of how to make his aeroplane he had decided he wanted it on a base and wanted to do a bi plane.


Thomas making his Bubble bath and Emily and Jessica’s finished bottles.




Jessica Making Her sand pen and her finished article.


After group we got home and the kids had their baths and got into bed while I had my bath and tidied the house, then cooked dinner ready for Duncan to get home.