Home education works so well for so many because its an education made for your child and not trying to force your child into boxes of averages. Anyone who has been following our journey will know, We have been slowly learning how our children learn. This isn’t as straight forward as you may believe.
We have a mixture of needs in our house and this means what works for one doesn’t necessarily for the other.
Our Eldest Thomas has a natural ability for maths and this has meant me having to master my own struggles in advance of him or alongside him in some cases. However the same cannot be said for our Jessica.
When we started this journey a neighbour a few doors down was helping us, Unfortunately this amazing gentleman died before Jessica offically started her Home Education journey.
A New secret weapon!
I have been struggling a lot since with my eldest daughters Maths in the few months between his passing and while trying to find an alternative Tutor.
well thankfully we have found the Lovely Paul. within one week of being under his wing we have discovered a secret to unlocking large number addition and subtraction for Jess.
The key was Hundreds tens and units (slaps forehead!!) I had panicked a little after loosing the support of our neighbour and reverted to activity books based around modern teaching methods.
I had become so stuck on trying to teach jess the ‘new’ school way, I forgot the biggest benefit of home education. That Home Education allows you to build an Education made for your child!
Well they are already coming on leaps and bounds and I no longer have to worry about missing anything important.
English Games?

So Maths wasn’t the only place where advancement was made. Paul also came up with a fantastic new game for the kids to play for their English ‘homework’
It’s Called Finding the sound. Basically the children run around the house and find items which names have certain sounds in! Today we did ai ay and long a sound.
An education made for your child
For those who maybe reading this who are interested in home ed and thinking I can’t afford that you don’t have to. If you are resourceful enough Home education can be as expensive or cheap as you need it to be. Those with children with EHCP’s your child may also be entitled to a Budget to help. At the time of writing this blog post we had never heard of an EHCP or a statement. However, as I modernise links and up date the SEO of this post, All three of my children have EHCP’s and they were a real game changer for each of them.
Home education is very much a way of life, one that we have found is the best for us and allowed my children a world of experience’s they would have otherwise missed out on.
If you would like to read some more about our Home education life you can find more journaling posts here. If you live in Wiltshire you may find tutors and other Home ed related activities for your kids here.
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