Well today everyone woke up a little grumpy and sleepy and well basically miserable as a vampire in a warewolves cave and so we decided enough was enough.
We got out the big card, the glue sticks, the newspaper pile and we started hunting for skies, clouds, grass, moutains terrain, sea and water in general we we started our new wall display.

They started plotting out their water cycle design.

Then started cutting up the newspapers.
Emily got a little bored by doing such an intricate one so I asked her what she wanted to learn about next and she said clouds, I asked her what was her favourite cloud and she chuckled and shouted “A TORNADO!!” And start spinning around in true Emily style (ask a stupid question ????)
So we did her her own smaller sheet and made her tornado and filled the sheet with what she knew about tornadoes.

She cut out some letters and drew a scribbily tornado but decided it didn’t look very tornadoey so she then went to improve upon her original design and this is what we came up with.

Thomas and Jess still weren’t done but Emily had found a magic floating castle (apparently our water cycle relies on this magic floating Castle and the Pegasus ponies that live in it to move the clouds about ????) and then fireworks (because Pegasus ponies like fireworks) and then to top it all of a candy floss eating pig in the grass lands ???? Thomas was a little less than happy at Emily’s non factual additives but a chocolate bar had him pretending they didn’t exist ????.

So eventually we ended up with a nearly finished piece that just needed to dry overnight before being labelled tomorrow.