Today Wednesday 28th February 2018 the UK got a snow warning. We were headed towards a lot of snow. However, at 8am this morning it was nowhere to be seen so Life won the challenge.
We dropped Thomas to college as normal, then headed to help out with cheeky. I even managed to get Emily to semi Wrap up!

Snow Warning upped!
Met office seems to be a little over ambitious as everyone is talking of this warning and still no sign. Obviously deciding that by this evening their predictions will probably come to light. We decided to make the most of life, so We stuck to plans heading home for some housework, made lunch and went to home ed group.
The Girls painted rocks in group this week. The girls loved it. so naturally they wanted to show off their creations so after home ed group, we popped into see Leah.
Before we knew it, We had to leave to collect tom. Buy now there were the first signs of snow with a slight warming and a sprinkling of flakes coming down.
We heading home to light the fire just as the first sprinkling of snow hit. I decided to phone and Cancel Paul for tomorrow and we settled in for the evening.
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