Hi as ever happy to share the information I find but this page will expand as I find options for my Jess now our initial option of 14-16 college isn’t any longer an option we are having to reassess what we plan to do about GCSEs so while jessica continues to work through her work as normal I am making plans for getting her some qualifications in preparation for college and life.

Costs exclude examination entry costs (AQA)


Excludes entrance fee (AQA)

English options:
IGCSE Oxford £375 (£75 deposit £37.50 per month for 8 months) https://www.oxfordhomeschooling.co.uk/subject/english-igcse-course/#section-3
Maths options
Science options
History options:
IGCSE Oxford £375 (£75 deposit £37.50 per month for 8 months) https://www.oxfordhomeschooling.co.uk/subject/history-igcse-course/
Geography options:
IGCSE Oxford £375 (£75 deposit £37.50 per month for 8 months) https://www.oxfordhomeschooling.co.uk/subject/geography-igcse-course/
Specialist other:
Home made education https://homemadeeducation.com/portfolio/uk-gcse-igcse-full-courses/
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