Well this is it, Week 1 of a walk on the Home educating lockdown life! As covid spreads and it’s clear to everyone it is more than just a cold. We find ourselves along with lots of others in a lockdown at home.
How week one of a Home Educating Lockdown life looks:
Well it started for us on Monday 23rd March after a text. A message to say I am at risk and now need to isolate to protect myself from Covid. So sadly I didn’t join the rest of my team on the last changeover. Instead of cleaning of the inside of the lodges I find myself at home.
So to distract from the change in routine. Instead we started the great 2020 Brown family isolation plan!
Isolation Day 1: Plan deep Clean!
Starting upstairs we worked our way through the rooms. As I would normally be at work the children weren’t allocated much work anyway. We got through it pretty quick.
We started on Their bedrooms. Jessica did most of her room alone with prompts after each chore regarding the next. But Emily isn’t able to do this so we buddied up and used the body doubling technique to help her see it through.
Here is a brief list of chores done and in the order achieved.
- all dirty washing picked up, taken down for washing.
- All rubbish picked up
- stripped all soft furnishings and all teddies downstairs for washing
- High dusting
- filled bathroom sink for damp dusting and cleaning of ornaments
- Damp dusting
- run bath for toys anything plastic chucked in
- Hoovered floor
- emptied cleaned move to hoover and return all furniture in the room
- scrubbing cleaning all of Emily’s toys,
- Jessica’s mass ornaments
- Cleaning walls and skirting as furniture is moved to reveal them.
Emilia downstairs was left to do her online College and she kept the washing machine going for me.

Isolation Day 2:
With the kids rooms done yesterday, a mountain of washing still in various stages of being washed. Today we headed outside and decided to clear and clean the cars. Knowing they are going to be sat up for a while I decided doing so clean was the best option.
Todays chores were
- Hang out washing, putting away once clean
- Clear car of rubbish, personal items and stones! (Emily helps their acquisition)
- Hoovering of the Astra
- Cleaning of the Astra’s seats
- Cleaning of dash, glove compartment, door handles, steering wheel etc
- Cleaning of door jams
- hoover boot
- clean boot
- Washing, drying and Waxing of Astra
- Emilia reorganised her room.
- We then started placing all the unwanted/outgrown clothes and toys into the nicely cleaned car
- Jessica Cleaned all the windows downstairs for me.
Today the whole of the UK officially shutdown. No one is allowed to leave home other than for essential food, work or medical needs and one walk a day alone or with other persons from the same household.
Isolation day 3
School work first Jessica with her Arts award between 10:30 – 1:30pm creating more wonderful art. Emily on Elephant Maths.
Then it was an afternoon of more cleaning! Emilia still had college so we tried to avoid indoor chores. Other than more washing (Teddies today so nearly there!) We spent the day cleaning the outside of the house.
I had to try again to get Wessex water out after the drain overflowed again. The man finally made it out at 9:50PM cleared the blockage and cleaned up the mess bless him.
We cleaned out the outside Rabbit hutches, Cleaned out the Fish tank. Emily hosed and cleaned the sliding doors.
Isolation Days 4, 5 & 6:
Ok so now the days are starting to merge into one! Music lessons, more cleaning and some furniture moving around on Saturday.
We basically went room from room deep cleaning them all.
- High dusting
- Damp dusting
- Moving, hoovering, mopping and returning of all furniture
- cleaning of all ornaments
- Decluttering
- Washing ALL soft furnishings, fleeces, quilts, hat, gloves, scarves etc
- Took the desk top computers apart for full cleaning of cases, fans and boards using compressed air
- Cleaned carpets
- Poured cheap coke down the toilets
- Cleaned Turtles filter
- Cleaned Tumble dryer vents
- Cleaning light fittings and light bulbs.
Most of the time the children were helping with the wiping walls and staying out the way when it came to the moving of the furniture. Not sure how long it will last this time. especially as the office furniture will be headed out into the office once the delayed delivery comes and we can get the inside finished.
Safe to say I LOVE Cleaning lol. Now I know I have cleaned any Covid that could be in the house away We can start doing some fun Home Education stuff next week. We have some great plans the next three weeks while the country is in lockdown.
So Home Educating lockdown life hasn’t changed much other than my OCD compulsion to clean the whole house to ensure there isn’t any covid lurking! things get a lot more fun from here!
To see what else we get up too you can follow all our lockdown antics and watch this space as I try to use this lockdown as a chance to update and change the website!
2023 update we’re now on Social media you can find us on both Facebook and Instagram.
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