Sunday 31st Jan 2021
Earlier in the week, Emily’s letter from Banjo Robinson arrived and it got put to one side and forgotten (oops). However, when I came across it today I decided it was the perfect time to open it up.
Banjo Robinson adventures the Galapagos Islands
First I will run through what this came with.
- Letter from Banjo to your child
- Map to track where Banjo has travelled
- Stickers for the map and returning letter
- Information brochure for the place Banjo has visited (this was the Galapagos’ Islands today.
- Envelope and writing paper for you child/ren to write back to Banjo with.
- A colouring page with space for them to draw their own picture on the back.
Emily had a great time reading about Banjo’s adventures and doing the activities and writing her reply.
However we did have an issue with the stickers they had been printed wrong. Unfortunately, this meant she couldn’t add them to her map that came with this first delivery. Therefore I contacted them.
As a result, got an apology and they are sending her replacement stickers.
Edit: They sent a brilliant letter and more stickers arrived the next day.

Without a doubt it’s great to know that when things do go wrong. The company are quick to come back with a solution.
To try Banjo Robinson yourself you can sign up here.
If you would like to read more about the Children’s postal kits you can find them here.
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