Help! I am now a mum of an Adult! Our Emilia is officially an adult and has survived to 18! We couldn’t be anymore proud of our children. Emilia has gone from a little boy whose prognosis was potentially wheelchair bound to an incredible Trans Woman!
Help! I am now a mum of an Adult! I’m not ready for this 
It is such a strange place to be. it is safe to say she is coping with her change to adulthood better than I am.
Life is getting harder for her but she is embracing it.
College, part time job and less time at home decompressing from the stresses of the outside world. She is thriving and she does it and I am so proud of her.
I don’t feel ready to not be the adultly mum and release my adult girl into the world. But she certainly is ready.
So here comes a less hands on mum .
Space to spread her wings and enjoy the adult world.
Shortly after this was written Thomas came out to us as being a Trans woman. From here on out when she appears in the blog she will Appear as her chosen Name Emilia or Miele.
We couldn’t be more proud of our young lady and will be supporting her every step of the way to her new life as Miele.
If you are struggling with your identity and like us are UK based TransEDU not only have information but also support lines.
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