Sadly we have come to our Last year of full time Home ed! It’s now Just Emily this year. Talking about what feels like an end of an era.

Seems so strange. However, we cant wait it’s going to be great.
We have toned things down this year concentrating on English, Maths and mental health ready for Emily to start college next September.
Obviously will still have random projects of interest and our Christmas crafts and planning starting November. However, due to my health issues we are keeping things less compacted this year.
Last year of full time Home ed rough timetable
- Mondays: Functional skills morning, housework/Tutoring PM
- Tuesday: Functional Skills morning, social PM
- Wednesday: cooking day/ tutoring
- Thursday: Functional Skills morning, project/ Therapy and chill out PM
- Friday: Farm school
Over this year I will be teaching Emily to blog so watch out for Emily’s Entries! But don’t worry we will continue to blog about life after home education and hopefully one day the kids will home ed their own children and it will again be full of new home educating adventures.
Don’t forget you can find more on our facebook or Instagram.
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