We are going to learn how to be a Chemistry Scientist Spy with Mel Science. This was a favourite Mel science set of the girls. The chemistry of spies box comes with 3 science projects.
Unfortunately I only got a few pictures of the last experiment the Girls did in this kit. 3 amazing experiments for writing secret messages that quickly vanish. A must for all spies of course.
UPDATE: Jessica and her best friend Caoimhe (pronounced Keeva for those who haven’t come across any beautiful Irish names before) pulled out the Mel science kits this half term and had a cracking day using up some of the experiments we had left. they also took photos! so I have added these in.
Spy Chemistry Magic Paper
In this science experiment the girls used Potassium iodide (KI) solution on a cotton cylinder to cover an area on the provided paper. This had to be left to dry so while this was drying they followed the instructions to make their magic wand. Once assembled they applied Copper sulphate (CuSO4) solution to the end of it. After this they drew there own secret messages and allowed these to dry.
Once they had finished their drawings it was time to swap paper and find what they had done for each other. Taking a new cotton cylinder and add the Potassium ferricyanide (K3[Fe(CN)6) and using these to reveal the hidden messages.
Invisible Copper
For this experiment the girls half filled a small jar with copper sulphate (CuSO4) solution and then with a paintbrush draw your design. Closing off the jar for later use the girl moved on to the next step.
Taking the big spoon and fill with ammonium carbonate (NH4)2CO3 and placed it in the petri dish.
Next they placed their secret pictures ink up onto the petri dish and watch the image reappear.
Iron Gall Ink
This experiment I managed to actually grab a few snaps of before they packed it up and decided to pull out an other box (Cryptology). This particular experiment the girls added a new small cotton cylinder with Tannin and they used this to create a range of different pictures and writing and then left it to dry.
On a new cotton cylinder once their designs were dry they too the Iron sulphate (FeSO4) then covering their design watched their doodles reappear.

For more information on the specifics of both these experiments can be found on the MEL Science app. If you would like to read more about our Mel science fun you can find them here. For more postal activity crates find them here.
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