Today we started our grow your own journey with the purchase, assembly and planting of a wide range of plants. We have spent the winter planning this years growing. Gathered our seeds and soil (compost) and our first seeds were planted in February.
Our original plan was that we organised and put up a green house earlier in March but this year the UK have been hitting some very low temperatures for this time of year so we have left the poor things a little too long.
We have plans for flowers and vegetables. We have a range of places we plan to plant up.

How our grow your own journey plan looks:
We have a wall throughout the garden which can be planted up. Below is a drawing of the walls and rough planned planting. (Pictures will be updated as we finish the designs)

Plants planned for the wall are as follows:
Summer crops:
- Broccoli
- beetroot
- Sweetcorn
- Dwarf Sunflowers (to separate crops)
Winter planting:
- Crocus Bulbs (Yellow Golden)
- Narcissus Bulbs (Sun Disc)
- Puschkinia Libanatica ( Russian Snowdrop)
- Muscari Bulbs (Grape Hyacinth)
Fount borders:
These we plan to rotavate (fingers crossed the old girl is still working when we bring her home from France in May) and are two big borders either side of the new path and also includes the plants we plan to grow between the steps. (Pictures will be updated as we finish the designs)

Plants planned for here are as follows:
- Camomile
- Cosmos
- Dalilah Procyon
- Iberis (common Candy tuft)
- Toad Flax
- Corn flowers
- Liatris Spicata (blazing star)
- Dalilah First love
- Sea Holly
- Lavender
- Rose (My nan’s rose bush which currently resides in an old mop bucket since being dug up for moving)
- Aquilegia Granny’s bonnet (various varieties & our own seeds from last year all mixed)
Growing own food Patio planters and tubs:
We plan to have two raised planters along with various pots and plan to grow only a few this year and slowly build up. We are starting with our most used vegetables.

Raised Planter 1:
- Lettuce (Iceberg)
- Lettuce (
- French Marigolds
Raised planter 2:
- Rocket
- Mustard (red lace)
- Chard (Five colour Silverbeet)
- French Marigolds
Pots with cane tepee:
- Broad Beans
- Snow Peas
- Garden Peas
An old bin with holes in:
- Carrots (Nantaise 2)
Window trough:
- Basil (Sweet green)
- Basil (Genovese)
- Parsley
- Coriander (cilantro)
Specialised Grow bags:
- Potatoes
- Cherry Tomatoes
Other pots/ yet to decide:
- Chives
- Water Melon
- Pumpkins
- China Aster
- Dill (to be sold)
Hanging Baskets:
We have 4 beautiful metal hanging baskets and for these we will be growing the pre annual’s only and plan this year to buy the annuals.

In our Hanging baskets we will plant:
- Double orchid petunia
- Busy lizzies
- Rudbeckia
- Begonia
- Bacopa (Snowtopia)
- Gazania
- Verbena
- Sweet Williams (Dianthus Barbatus)
- Considering Tumbling Tom red cherry tomatoes
I am hoping we haven’t bitten off more than we can chew but with the problems I have been having mentally since my burnout last year I am hoping to overcome the anxieties around our garden and boost the whole families mental health with increasing time in the garden.
Our grow your own Wild Side Front Garden

So as part of our Grow your own journey we also want to ensure our plans are bee friendly. We have tried to incorporate lots of bee friendly flowers and to ensure they have enough food all session long. To do this we have decided to make one side of our front garden a No Mow area.
Excluding the space needed for out Trailer to protect the plants when we need to have it out.
We will be preparing the grass in the Easter holidays by raking up the moss and then scattering packets of Wild flowers.
For this we have a few different packets of free seeds as follows:
- Untreated Wildflowers cornfield mix from mud and bloom boxes
- Wildflower seeds from 30 days wild last year
- Morrisons wildflower seeds from a giveaway last year.
You can follow all the posts on the girls postal activity boxes here. Also as ever we can also be found on both Facebook and Instagram.
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