One of the joys of a house which was an old barn is that the wild can be found taking over and ever present especially when it has been left untouched for any length of time! so even a job of clearing out an attic space can be full of amazing finds!
Today we had to clear the attic space above the main abode, as well as moving the water heater from our old house up to the hay loft using the more traditional techniques of the hay loft pulley!
This space had been a little neglected for a few years as our parents have aged and struggled to keep up with it. so we found all sorts of the wild in their before we picked up the brushes, face masks to start clearing it out and laying down a protective cover needed to go down until we are ready for loft work to take place next spring.
We found an old abandoned Birds nest, Evidence of Bats (work delayed to roof for this reason) hundreds of old spiders webs full of a variety of dead butterflies and other bugs. Emily really enjoyed scouting out the place first. one area we left entirely due to animal traces indicating current use for nesting but the area we could do was a job well done.

We ended day 4 of our 30 days wild with a dinner out and a very tired family. You can follow this years and previous years 30 Day Wild days here. Also as ever we can also be found on both Facebook and Instagram.
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