Off on a Day trip to their Salisbury groups:
Today I went off on a day trip with the kids to their groups complete with picnics and in car activities for the kids. Today’s
First we went to their Morning group at Awbridge. Here they made windsocks. They also took place in other of the activities on offer there.
We stopped and had a bit of a picnic lunch before head To Alderbury.
The afternoon was the Alderbury social meet. Here they went off and played with their friends.
As we had planned for the children to be out all day. We prepared a printed out book for them to do on their journey. They completed these while in the car. There was sections for the different parts of the journeys. They also wrote in their books on their in car travel desks little stories.
Tom has written one about a sand monster who eats with a spoon
Jess has written about a puppy and what it looked like.
They will continue to work on these tomorrow and then will read them out to the Stonehenge Home Educators group during Book club.
Despite a busy day Jess still found time to squeeze all her teddies into bed with her before sleeping herself.

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