Today Tuesday 3rd May 2011 the children have their HEaT meet up. So after our normal morning routine it was time to pack up some lunch. Today the children had their weekly group in Tidworth so we packed to go to HEat.
Today’s HEaT was all about the life cycle of butterflies. The had a selection of worksheets and activities based on the subject. They also had access to books borrowed from the library all to look through.
My two completed the life cycle of the butterfly from Twinkl and answered a quiz on butterflies.
Emily had a great time too she played with the toys while they older two worked. Then Jessica did some colouring with her. The girls coloured in a few butterfly pictures.
while Thomas went out to the halls garden to spot butterflies out there
Tuesday 3rd May 2011 – All about butterflies with HEaT

The activity set for todays groups was butterfly feeders and they absolutely loved it. I have enclosed a link with lots of choices but ours were made with jars with pre drilled holes in the lids with pieces of sponge then filled with sugar water. The children used Glass paints and twine to make theirs.
They then got their normal play time before going home for dinner baths and beds. They were so tired by time they got home. I read their book to them. I wasn’t too worried though because they did read the information about the butterflies and books at group.
For more posts about our children’s Home education groups look here. Tuesday 3rd May 2011 – All about butterflies with HEaT
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