The 8 Year Old, 6 Year Old And The Toddler Vs A Busy Day what could go wrong?
A very busy day starting with chores……
We got up had breakfast. The children cleaned the Roddy out while I tidied up inside and Jessica helped me hang the washing out. The normal whip around after breakfast with the hoover. Made the beds and then packed their bags for a very busy day.
Then on to Shopping trip…….
We then went to Sports Direct to get Thomas and Emily new shoes. Followed by quickly popping into Smyth’s for a birthday present for their cousin. So far everything was going to plan nicely.
Next we picked up some lunch and then headed to Nikki’s new group at Six Penny Handley.
They happily munched on their lunch inside the hall waiting while I helped Nikki set up.
Next up Sixpenny Handley…….
They did some gluing and sticking, made their cousin a birthday card each.
They played monopoly and some pool and had a run around in the park with their older friends. I gave them both some pennies to spend in the tuck shop. It took them a while but they worked out how many sweets they could get for the money they had.
Next was an hour of sports where they played different games including a rough introduction into dodge ball. This had them trying to get us parents with the balls. Although we got our own back at getting them at the very end.

funny enough they were a lot meaner than we were lol.
The children loved it Gemma really was fantastic with them. Gemma is Nikki’s eldest daughter who was also home educated. She has recently completed some sports qualifications in Dodgeball and basic primary sports.
Last stop a Birthday party!!!
We then ended our very busy day heading to my sisters house for my nieces birthday tea. My mum and sister had made the cake themselves. It was brilliant a horse cake decorated with red and blue icing. Red and blue being my nieces riding colours. The used sweets to make the horse cakes tail, mane and eyes.
After one mouthful Thomas started bouncing off the walls. luckily it was a party and he wasn’t the only one. A little musical bumps and dancing soon wore off some of the sugar rush from the cake lol.
Lastly to end this very busy day Home Sweet Home.
It was a brilliant day but a long one we finally got home about 8pm and they went to bed. I finally followed them about midnight.
Thankfully there is no group tomorrow. I can have a quiet day in with them and let them get over their late night. I could have 3 very grumpy beans by morning.
All in all today went to plan like a well oiled machine!
For more posts on Sixpenny Handley and our other home ed groups look here
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