We were up at the crack of dawn this day and had a very productive day.
We went to the boot and while we were there the children priced all the things for sale and took customers money and gave their change they did really well while we were there I cleaned the car out and did a bit of organising and then came home with the car at bursting point after picking the little man up a couple of birthday Presents and quickly unloaded.
We then went to Tesco for a bit of food shopping and had the children help with dinner suggestions based on the money we had and the price of each meal and even had a couple of pennies left for sweeties today.
came home put the shopping away and then cleared organised the two garden sheds rearranged to make some more space and sorted through our Camping gear to make sure what we thought we had we did actually have.
Cleared the boot stuff away and made dinner then children had baths and bed, I then cleared and put away all the washing and had a shower and went to bed.