Well I have every finger crossed as I still try to get the hospital to pick up on their responsibility to my Thomas since his last appointment with Dr lwin and the problems surrounding the whole occupational therapy thing I am hoping to get him back on track while keeping myself on level ground too I know it’s not going to be easy these past few months of home ed have been the hardest ever while trying to juggle life issues with teaching the children and running my group all without my much needed support network. but I am starting to think I can finally start to see the top off the hill and hopefully that will make all the difference in the world just one more hard month to get through and then hopefully things will start flowing back towards normal.


I don’t know what else to try and I really can’t believe how long it has taken to get these things in motion I just hope we don’t have an other 3 year wait till we get him his help back all because of the truly awful postal service to this property but maybe this is the and of the rough terrain and maybe now we can settle ourselves down a bit.


as for school work the children have done some spellings this morning and read to me we have done a little maths and they have watched super Why (fantastic Program about learning to read and write and covers spellings too well worth looking out for). they are now sat down playing board games. Jessica also helped cook some lunch, while Thomas laid the table and it is nearly time to start to think about dinner now. 


Yet it still seems such an unproductive day and I am still suffering with the sleeping problems I really do hope this all settles down fast and it won’t be long before thomas is getting his help again and I am on top once more rather than working like mad just to keep our heads out of water.


But we will see life home schooling is hard work at times like this but still so very worth it :0)