Today we got up got fed and dressed as normal then I went and dropped Tom to trampolining went on to shopping popped home to drop it off and have a quick tidy up then picked Tom up and drove to andover.

I was actually amazed because on Friday when we went to pick up toms replacement gloe dog I brought some bits and ordered some cash back but forgot to pick it up didn’t even notice until this morning when I went to put some of it into the tank! Well while waiting for Thomas to actually finish I phoned ASDA just on the off chance someone had handed it in and by some sort of miracle they had! So we went to pick it up.

We got back and had a quick blitz before starting lunch for granny and Hatty coming had some lunch then Duncan and Emily headed for Salisbury to pick up his surprise!


Then we got the kids bikes out and headed to the park for the afternoon.



We then popped to the shop for ice creams and drinks and they stopped for a break shortly afterwards we were joined by daddy and Emily.





We then had a race home the children on their bikes or daddy in the car naturally daddy popped to the shop first to give them a head start lol