Today we went to renew our Longleat passes taking Duncan in with us for the day and generally enjoying a family day together away from the distractions of home.

We did quite a few things we still hadn’t actually done before in Longleat.

We started by all hitting the train ???? (well not actually hitting it more just getting in for a ride)

n we went into the maze and wandered around trying to loose the children (unfortunately they knew their way around the maze and the girls never lost us once, tom took his own route from word go so we did loose him for a while though! But we ended up meeting in the middle with tom and that’s when we noticed the new petting Zoo location.

hen wondered around a little more before heading for lunch.

We went into the cellar cafe for lunch of jacket potatoes, soup and Emily had a sandwich pack.

nd a stunning mosaic we had never seen before.

n by now Thomas was feeling flustered by the sheer number of people everywhere so we ate and left for a walk around the house as we knew it would be quieter in there with less people.

He spotted this dragon we hadn’t noticed before.

der how many readers know where it is and what it’s part of?

Anyway we then walked back to front of the house to collect Emily’s drink left with the staff as you first go in, then it was adventure castle time as we headed through we found that there is a mirror maze!! How did we miss that before?? Lol so obviously we had to have a mini adventure in there too.

So we eventually made it to the adventure playground where the kids went off and ran a muck for a couple of hours while duncan and I sat down and chatted while they played.

It was all in all a lovely family day out very much needed before we all get set to move again ????