Monday: daddy day kids stayed at home with daddy and apparently spent ALLLL day tidying up, while daddy sorted his shed.

Safe to say when I came home the house certainly wasn’t tidy and they were sat playing Minecraft ????.
So I kicked them out off the door with the dogs and they walked the dogs around the neighbourhood while I started sorting it all out.
Once duncan was back from collecting Tom, Duncan took the girls out to the forest with the dogs and I completed tidying and cooked dinner

Emily and Duncan painted his shed AM

Then when Lysa came she proudly showed her the job she had done.

Before getting down with Emily’s school work and a few experiments.
I spent most of the day putting away and sorting our paperwork.
At Home ed group Neil from All Instruments in Westbury (where All the kids have their music lessons) came we packed up their electric piano, guitars, drum kit and violin and Neil brought a whole collection of other percussions, safe to say it was loud but everyone had an amazing time.

(Insert videos at later date)
Today duncan had to work first thing so we just pottered, I brought the groups books up to date, Paul came as normal and Jessica cracked on with her work with him.
Then duncan came home and we had some lunch before heading off to pick Tom up, then a quick shop before Thomas’ parents evening at college (he’s doing amazingly fantastic at maths still a few spelling issues but being Dyslexic no surprises really and he’s passed his Maths and 2 of his 3 English exams).
Then home and dinner before Clare dropped Jamie off for an hour they stayed for a while after before leaving with Emily in tow.
Friday: well I was at work as normal, after work I headed to funways to meet up with clare where Emily and the boys had a play.
We then came home to a lovely dinner and early night. We did have a very big meltdown from Thomas when it was time to switch off so we ended up removing all technology from his room and having a quick tidy up in there while he calmed down but he’s doing so amazing the odd big blow up I can live with.
Saturday: Jess was collected for Brokerswood with young Carers and I took emily for her violin lesson, I sat and had a chat with Julie and a long chat with Emilys music teacher Charlotte as this lesson was adapted a little to keep her interested as Emily was finding all aspects at once a little difficult so she is learning Mary had a little lamb without the bow just to get used to finger positioning and we will add the bow in once she has grasped that, we discussed getting a note guide sticker for her violin and put an order for one in, we also spoke about as she does piano too to use that to check the notes so she learns the notes by ear (apparently she has a very good ear for this).
Anyway back home and we put up emily and Jessica’s note boards and Jessica’s shelves.

Sunday: day at Granny’s
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