Happy New Year so after a few chaotic months at home I am pleased to be back home with my bambinos and back to my Monday and Fridays at work life is slowly returning to normal. I finished my extra hours just in time for our wedding anniversary for which Duncan and I headed to London alone for the weekend to go and see the phantom of the opera and spend a day viewing London from the top of a double-decker bus.

After we returned we packed up and went on a family break with other family members to Longleat Forest Village and had a great week.

Once home again we prepared to get back into home ed and started the long job of organising how our educational journey will look from now on.

So that last week of January we dived right into our new home ed journey, a lot of things have fallen behind while we have both been working but the girls have made slow progress but at least haven’t fallen behind.

From Atlas Crates
We covered Emily’s room with wall stickers.
spent some time going over what they have been working on with their tutors and planning where we want them to go from here.
Getting back into proper music practice Jessica and I helping Emily with her practice.
We got back into Sewing projects too.
and lastly found some new programs to help get the girls back into their home ed journey.

That was about it really nothing too amazing that week but none the less we thoroughly enjoyed getting back into our older style home ed life.