Monday 20th Isolation Day 29: Today we were all really pleased to get back into our home ed routine, I will admit I am missing work and the girls are starting to miss their Grandparents now. Today the girls started their stories they will be working on this week, they did a little Maths before Jessica went on to her Art Coursework and Emily had her Music lesson. after lunch, the girls went on to do their science work. Thomas completed his work from college when it eventually arrived and then they all went out to play while I tidied up and cooked dinner and started to make some Hot Cross buns (without the Cross due to time) so with breakfast cooked we sat down to Watch treasure planet.

Tuesday 21st Isolation Day 30: Today the girls did some more to their stories for English and Handwriting practice and then maths, Jess then had a drum lesson. we then wandered over to the parents to collect a length of bamboo to make a wall hanging photo frame they had left it by the car ready for us to collect and waited eagerly to see the pictures of what the girls were planing on turning them into. We then made the strung picture frame before turning their minds to Emily’s History and we made a start on making a mummy whom Emily named Gary.

Wednesday 22nd Isolation Day 31: Today the girls started work early and we started Emily’s newest Atlas Crate this month’s country was France. She happily made her cyclist and decided when it came to her designing her own version of Notre Dames Rose Window she decided to do it in a rainbow in honour of the NHS and when completed she wants to put it in our window for them. just as we finished and turned our minds to Emily reading to me Jessica’s Art course started and we left jess to her last online lesson for her bronze Arts award and Emily read me part of her MR gum book (the Biscuit billionaire) she then continued to read while I started refilling the Hot tub, Clean the Fishtank and the internal Turtle filter. then kids had lunch and I got on with my housework and then we had some fun with clay making clay dolls which we will turn into mummies. Then Jessica held a Zoom Lesson with a Family friend (and Emily’s violin Teacher) and taught her how to make a paper rose as a warm-up for her skillshare segment which she will be doing with a fellow award friend tomorrow morning for her award scoring.

Thursday 23rd Isolation Day 32: Today completely went awry, we got on with Maths and started English as planned when the Turtle Tanks Filter started to sound more like Emily rock tumbler than a silent filter that it was, unfortunately, it was its day to die so due to the situation with lockdown I let Emily go and play and while Jessica was doing her online skillshare I sat and went on the hunt for a new filter while making plans to keep turtles alive between now and when a replacement filter will arrive which at this point was looking like it was going to be a weeks time. Anyway, disaster adverted we had some lunch and then got back into the home ed swing of things and made some cakes as their daily craft then I let them off early to have a tidy up so we can start back on track tomorrow morning then spent some time in the tub with Emily.

Friday 24th Isolation Day 33: slow down day we took it easy and had a break a little English and maths read some books then watched TV. Later in the day, the new filter came along with the pegs for the girls new bamboo and string display so we got the new filter on and pegged up some photos onto their display.

Saturday 25th Isolation Day 34: today was all go again while Duncan finished his office and painted the walls we painted the kitchen! Great excuse for a take away as a treat.

Sunday 26th Isolation Day 35: more painting today we took off all the doors sanded them and painted them with what turned out to be absolutely awful paint that just doesn’t seem to want to dry so didn’t get both coats done today ????

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