OMG we’re back again!! lol This time we went for some much needed Nerdy family fun at the Comic con in Bournemouth, Still with the wonderful team at UKCGF team and an other brilliant event.
Nerdy Family Fun
This time we went with our fellow nerdy Family friends and had a great day. Jessica went with her Jedi Costume and Emily with her new Max Mayfield Costume.
We got some absolute bargains! We Completely spoilt ourselves a little at this event.
Emily brought herself a new squishmallow, Emilia brought herself some new artwork, Jessica got herself an anime plush. I even treated myself to a few new coasters!
It was a long day but great fun. With Thanks to Star we made it there and back without issue. We ended the day popping in to feed Simon’s cats. Actually even popping in an extra timed meal to allow us a lay in tomorrow morning!

We really enjoyed our Nerdy Family fun day at Comic con. To follow more of our Comic con adventures you can view our posts here. Or find out about how Emily made her Jacket you can find her post here. To find out what conventions are on near you hosted by the UKCGF team you can check their website here.
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