As we are stuck in lockdown we have decided to use the chance to do a little DIY starting in the heart of the home. We are planning on giving a little love, so here’s our how to update a kitchen Cheaply. We can’t afford a new kitchen so are stuck with the one we have. That doesn’t mean you cant Put your own spin on it.
We started with a mint green on the walls. While it wasn’t the worse shade in the world the off white/ pale yellow wood work were a deal breaker for me. So I started my plotting!
How to Update a Kitchen Cheaply
Duncan had a large pot of brilliant white Leyland Matt emulsion paint. Great I thought I may not have any Gloss to start with the woodwork but I had white to prime coat the walls until I go to the shop to find paint.
I Had planned a start with the first coat of White silk emulsion. I had always used Dulux so didn’t realise one paint wasn’t the same as the next. Oh dear well there was my first mistake!

Now I knew I had to leave the house we were out of dishwasher tabs and soap powder so we popped to see what B&M, They had a big 15 litre pot of paint (so I brought two as you do) a wonderful Grey called Warm Pewter and a beautiful Proud peacock! all Dulux unfortunately the only gloss was an unknown brand but it clearly stated Pot stated Fast drying in 6 hours. So despite the aggro with the emulsion I still thought it was worth a shot.
Never ever again wasting a penny on cheat paint! Anyway back to my Walls. I decided to make the wall with the door the feature wall. After a sample blotch I loved the Grey on the wall it tied in the tiles nicely. So I kept the peacock for the living room. I stuck with white for all over walls for ease of touch ups.

Well the 6 hours drying gloss was a waste of space. We set about sanding and priming the woodwork and Urgh it was like painting with water! I was not happy with the results and 3-4 days later it still wasn’t dry. Due to the need to have to shut doors even 16 hours after being painted it was still wet. What didn’t drip, got pulled off in the morning or stuck itself on the dogs and kids!
Amazon however not only had Dulux Quick dry silk gloss they had next day on it! I also picked the new handles I wanted. Unfortunately, they would take upto 7 days to arrive due to the number we needed. However, it was 3 more days before the gloss was dry enough to remove it anyway. We didn’t end up finishing the woodwork until we had done the porch which was around 4-5 days later.
Next room was the primer coat on the Hall, then porch then the three adjoining rooms. First a trip to B&Q for more paint. I am well in the mood for doing the whole house! lol

The day after the doors were done, Duncan collected the door handles!

If you wish to follow our families DIY you can here. If you want to see what else we get up to during this lockdown you can find them here.
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