Today Friday 22nd April 2011 was an interesting one. Duncan is off work with it being a bank holiday so we decided to give the children the day off too.

As they weren’t doing their normal work we took them to an Easter egg hunt at Tesco. They were given a sheet of paper with the numbers from 1 to 10 on it. They had to walk around the store and find 10 shiny eggs with a different pictures on them. Each shiny egg had an image of a children’s cartoon character.

The children loved it and they walked around a few times before they managed to find them all.

here are the ones I can remember (although may not be in the right order it appears my brain isn’t as good as remebering as it used to be lol)

Characters we found.

1) Bob the Builder

2) Shaun the Sheep

3) Thumper

4) Peppa Pig

5) Buzz Lightyear

6)  Fifi

7) woody


9) Tinkabell

10) Chicken Little

Then we went home and I clipped the Charm ready for the warmer weather and bathed her. She always looks so grateful to loose the excess fur.

We then took all the children over to the field on there bikes and scooters. They had a good run about to burn off some energy.

We then headed home and they Baked some Cakes for Easter Tea.

We then sat down and read some more of Mr Gum and the secret hideout before the children’s bedtime routine.

Once the children were in bed we curled up to watch a film. It was a lovely lazy day.

For more of my journal posts like today Friday 22nd April 2011 look here. Tesco’s really helped entertain the children for a while today. They tend to always have a good selection of activities you can do at home here.