Well with Jessica’s birthday looming around the corner and the bank not fully recovering from Thomas birthday in good old oh well at least I can breath attitude we went to Salisbury shopping.

First we picked up Jessica’s laptop birthday present that was being sold online then to staples to get their Olympic medal winners printed, followed by Tesco’s to spend their pocket money.

Then we all went through the car wash (Emily’s first ever car wash!!) then went to the pet shop where Thomas asked staff about his hamster problems (well wanted to know if poohing in his food bowl was going to make him poorly? Could he be doing this because he wants a hamster potty etc was actually funny to watch because how ever funny the questions seemed you can sort of see where her is coming from lol)

Anyway after he spent the last of his birthday money buying a ball and buildable chewable blocks and seeming to be loving said block things more than the hamster lol we went to the bike shop and ordered Jessica’s future bike she’s on a 24″ frame I couldn’t believe how tall she was lol


This is Jessica’s bike which is due to be collected either on Thursday 30th August or Friday 31st (depending on when they get all the adaptions done by and I can have an empty car to collect it by but maybe sooner if the two co inside sooner)