Well that went really well, Thomas was there with 5 other children and he loved it (naturally being autistic his showing he loved it was looking at the floor and trying to not looking anyone in the eye and trying not to have to talk ????)

We went in and we’re told about the course by a form tutor a member of the support staff (special needs support) and Cassie (who I have been in correspondence with) and an Emily (didn’t catch what her job was exactly but I think she was an other lecturer at the college).

We were then shown the main areas of the college including their greenhouse, kitchens for use within courses, library, canteen and not only do they have a Starbucks on campus but a Costa! (Envious lol)

We then headed back to the room for questions and then off tom went with the rest of the prospective students to cook some pizza and then do some tests in maths and English.

We then asked any other questions we had and then left them to it. Naturally I ended up in the library to complete Emily’s flash cards until joined by one of the other mums and then we went to canteen for a natter.

Before long it was time to meet them and out came a very grown up looking Thomas smiling at the ground he got his pizza and we left for home he was very pleased with himself. 

The staff were all friendly and welcoming and he can’t wait for his have a go session in July/August time.